
CCAFS workshop on institutions and policies to scale out climate smart agriculture 

Several developing countries are piloting policies and creating institutions to manage current as well future climatic risks in the agricultural sector. There are important lessons to be learnt from each other's experiences on planning, financing, partnerships and implementation at different scales.

To facilitate this south-south learning on institutions and policies, CCAFS is organising a workshop on ‘Institutions and policies for scaling up climate-smart agriculture’ in Colombo, Sri Lanka, from 2nd to 3rd December 2013.  

Leading national and international experts from research, industry, and policy from various regions will be attending this workshop. On December 4th and 5th, CCAFS will organise a capacity strengthening workshops on prioritization tools for participants. 

View presentations from the workshop. 

Read more about the workshop:

Scaling out climate-smart agriculture: what we can learn from each other
ersión en español: 
Escalando la agricultura climáticamente inteligente: ¿qué podemos aprender unos de otros?

New toolkit on climate-smart agriculture can help policymakers make better decisions
Versión en español: Nuevo kit de herramientas sobre la agricultura climáticamente inteligente puede ayudar a tomar mejores decisiones