
This meeting aims to build consensus on the priority agriculture related actions proposed in the National Climate Change Action Plan for piloting.

CCAFS East Africa is collaborating with the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries and the Ministry of Environment, Water and Natural Resources to organize a National Adaptation Planning event for Agriculture on 16 – 17September 2013.

The proposed outcome of the event will be a key resolution on how to take the National Climate Change Action Plan (NCCAP) 2013 – 2017 forward in the agriculture sector. Towards this end, four thematic working groups which will focus on identifying mechanisms for supporting the implementation of the Agricultural components of the NCCAP will be constituted.

Learn more: Climate action in Kenya: New national plan launched

These groups will also define a national vision for Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA). The proposed thematic groups are: i) Climate Smart Agriculture, ii) Finance and Investments, iii) Knowledge and Capacity building and iv) Policies and Legal Frameworks. National Agricultural Institutes, Regional Centers of Excellence and International Agricultural Research Centers will offer support across the groups.

The proposed terms of reference for the working groups which will be refined accordingly include:

  1. Identification of key actions and milestones within the themes
  2. Identification of key stakeholders and potential partners for collaboration
  3. Identification of financial aspects within the thematic focus areas and develop a resource mobilization strategy.

Alongside the event, the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) together with CCAFS, will launch a report on Kenya's climate futures. It is one of the chapters in an upcoming book on East African Agriculture and Climate Change, which will be fully released during UNFCCC COP19 conference in Poland later this year. The book was prepared together with the Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in Eastern and Central Africa (ASARECA), and produced with funds from CCAFS.

Get the report: Kenya Chapter (PDF)

Additional reading:

- Press Release: Report: Climate change to shift Kenya’s breadbaskets
- Blog: Based on what we know, can Kenya plan its climate future?
- Op-Ed: Climate change needs new farming plans [Business Daily Africa]

Media coverage of the report:

- NEWS BROADCAST: Rift Valley may no longer be the country's bread basket in the next 37 years [KTN Kenya]
- NEWS BROADCAST: Huge pressure ahead of Kenyan productive resources
- Experts warn of food crisis due to climate [Daily Nation Kenya]
- Climate change to shift Kenya’s breadbaskets, new report shows [Africa Science News]
- Optimizing Corn Production in the Face of Climate Change [Environmental News Network]
- Kenyan farmers warned climate change may impact crop yields [RTCC]
- Kitui, Samburu to become Kenya's breadbaskets [the Star Kenya]
- Kenya to gain from climate change, says report [Standard Digital News]
- In Kenya, climate change to create new breadbaskets [IRIN News]

Kitui, Samburu to become Kenya's breadbaskets
Kenyan farmers warned climate change may impact crop yields - See more at:…