
The 6th International Conference on Climate Services (ICCS 6) will take place in Pune, India from February 11–13, 2020.

About the event

The 6th International Conference on Climate Services (ICCS 6) takes stock of the knowledge and practice of climate services, and explores the extent to which those services have fostered climate resilience. It also identifies areas in which research and/or investment is most likely to advance knowledge and practice in order to build resilience.

The theme of the conference is advancing the knowledge and practice of climate services for climate resilience. Conference presentations will engage issues related to the production and use of climate services in a range of social and economic sectors. The overarching goals of the conference are:

  • taking stock of current practice;
  • identifying remaining gaps and opportunities for enhanced regional collaboration in order to ensure improved climate services uptake; and
  • articulating priorities and seeking relevant institutional arrangements to sustain and scale up the ongoing national and regional efforts related to production and delivery of climate services

Conference structure

Stock taking. Ten years after the third World Climate Conference, ICCS 6 will issue a  pre-conference survey, inviting the broader climate service community to help create a snapshot of the current state of climate service knowledge and practice. These topics will be further developed through high-level keynotes on:

  1. the current state of climate knowledge (projections, s2s, s2d, etc.);
  2. good practice in development, delivery and use of climate services; and
  3. the extent to which climate services are contributing to climate resilience

Prioritization. The conference will also create a venue for participants to work together to identify gaps and opportunities to advancing the knowledge and practice of climate services so as to foster climate resilience. This work will take place through interactive activities, parallel sessions, and real-time polling.

For more details about attending ICCS 6 and for the tentative agenda, please visit the conference website.


  • Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM)
  • Department for International Development (DFID
  • Ministry of Earth Science (MoES)
  • Asia Regional Resilience to a Changing Climate (ARRCC)
  • Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS)
  • World Meteorological Organisation (WMO)
  • Climate Services Partnership (CSP)
  • International Research Institute for Climate and Society, Earth Institute, Columbia University (IRI)
  • Climate Services Center (GERICS)