
Conservation agriculture: Implementation guidance for policymakers and investors

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Conservation agriculture (CA) can increase resilience to climate change and has the potential
to contribute to climate change mitigation. The benefits of CA are highly site- specific. Innovative approaches are needed to overcome barriers for uptake of CA by smallholders.


Richards M, Sapkota T, Stirling C, Thierfelder C, Verhulst N, Friedrich T, Kienzle J. 2014. Conservation agriculture: Implementation guidance for policymakers and investors. Climate-Smart Agriculture Practice Brief. CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), Copenhagen.


  • Richards, Meryl B.
  • Sapkota, Tek Bahadur
  • Stirling, Clare M.
  • Thierfelder, Christian
  • Verhulst, Nele
  • Friedrich, T
  • Kienzle, J