
Current nematode threats to world agriculture

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Many genera and species of nematodes attack almost all crops affecting their yield potential. Their distribution, diversity and potential damage depend on many factors including their centres of origin and subsequent spread, the agroecological conditions and the tolerance and resistance of the crops used in that agricultural system.

A sustainable approach to the control of plant-parasitic nematodes is to prevent their spread on to clean land. Phytosanitary measures are a major strategy to achieve this aim, and their implementation is part of the regulatory system of each country. A history and description of international plant health legislation is given by Hockland et al. (2006). The interception or detection of listed or unlisted quarantine organisms could result in destruction of a shipment or infected crop, or a banning of growing host plants on infested land. In other cases, suppression of the infestation is considered to be a more practical approach that allows trade to continue.

The key nematodes on major world food commodities and their production are discussed in this chapter in addition to the challenges posed by two groups of quarantine nematodes. This information should provide an insight to the problems or potential future problems and the currently known ways to address these.


Nicol JM, Turner SJ, Coyne DL, den Nijs L, Hockland S, Tahna Maafi Z. 2011. Current nematode threats to world agriculture, in: Jones J, Gheysen G, Fenoll C. (Eds), Genomics and Molecular Genetics of Plant-Nematode Interactions. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer, pp. 21-43.


  • Nicol JM
  • Turner, S.J.
  • Coyne, Danny L.
  • Nijs, L. den
  • Hockland S
  • Tahna Maafi Z