
Building an online platform in support of outcome-focused results-based program management

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The online platform is uniquely positioned to meet the needs of CCAFS as well as the requirements of CGIAR.

Consensus is needed from the outset about the requirements of such a platform, as the right balance has to be struck between detail and leanness.

We started with a complex, idealistic vision, which was radically simplified through time to promote partner buy-in. The platform was constantly being challenged to be lean and intuitive.

Several testing rounds are needed to get to the right level of minimum requirements and maximum flexibility; at the same time, the conceptual structure of the online platform needs to be robust enough to allow for adjustment.

The conceptualisation of the online platform took the most time and effort; inputs were needed from program managers, project leaders, research and development partners, and monitoring, learning and evaluation experts, to achieve buy-in from an early stage.


Förch W, Schuetz T, Abreu D, Tobon H, Thornton P. 2015. Building an online platform in support of outcome-focused results-based program management. CCSL Learning Brief No. 16. Copenhagen, Denmark: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).


  • Förch, Wiebke
  • Schuetz, Tonya
  • Abreu, David
  • Tobón, Hector
  • Thornton, Philip K.