Lessons Learned on Participatory Action Research (PAR) to Adoption of CSA Options with an Emphasis on Gender and Social Inclusion Across the 5 CCAFS Regions

This info note highlights the use of participatory action research (PAR) in the implementation of the climate-smart village (CSV) approach and how this may have influenced the adoption of climate-smart agriculture (CSA) options, with an emphasis on gender and social inclusion (GSI). It addresses the following key research questions:
How were PAR approaches used in CSVs to support CSA adoption beyond planning, with a GSI lens? Did PAR approaches address gender in/equality dimensions?
PAR is not a new concept, what was done differently or uniquely in the CSV approach? And specifically regarding GSI considerations?
Which have been the key successes? What have been the challenges/lessons learned? Based on these learnings, what needs to be done differently in the future?
To sufficiently answer these questions, three methods of data collection were took place: a portfolio review, interviews with CCAFS regional staff, and a survey for local partners. Further detail regarding the approach is discussed in the methodology
Beal C, Martinez JD, Ouedraogo M, Recha J, Ambaw G, Tesfaye A, Nigussie A, Shirsath P, Läderach P, Bonilla-Findji O. 2021. Lessons Learned on Participatory Action Research (PAR) to Adoption of CSA Options with an Emphasis on Gender and Social Inclusion Across the 5 CCAFS Regions. CCAFS Info Note. Wageningen, the Netherlands: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).