
Video: Debate on food and farming under climate change

Scientists from CGIAR and IFAD tackle tricky questions on smallholder farming under climate change. Photo: Moyan Brenn

Smallholder farmers are an often overlooked part of the climate change equation. However, they were very much in the focus of this discussion. Watch these scientists discuss ideas on how to tackle the adaptation and mitigation challenge.

At the Our Common Future Under Climate Change conference in July 2015 in Paris, scientists from the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) shared knowledge and action about smallholder farming, food security, adaptation and mitigation.  

A special Google hangout on 8 July was an opportunity for experts to debate ideas and solutions for making smallholder farming more resilient to climate change, and also to reducing greenhouse gas emissions from this crucial sector. They also discussed whether the upcoming UN Climate Talks in Paris (COP21) could deliver for farmers.

The hangout with Michel Mordasini, Vice President of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)and Lini Wollenberg, CCAFS Flagship Leader, included discussion of a new report which has found that mitigation could be another benefit of adaptation activities. The Mitigation Advantage Report, published by CCAFS and IFAD, finds that, if properly implemented, a smallholder adaptation strategy can help farmers adopt agricultural practices that increase productivity and resilience, and potentially reduce emissions.

The google hangout was co-organised by CCAFS and IFAD

David Valentin Schweiger is Communications and Outreach Student Assistant at the CCAFS Coordinating Unit in Copenhagen.