
Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources, Rwanda visit to Nyando CSV

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The primary goal of interventions in CCAFS climate-smart villages is to help farmers be more resilient and ensure food security. But there may well be gains in mitigation, as many of the chosen technologies decrease GHG emissions. Photo:S. Kilungu (CCAFS)

Learning visit to the Nyando Climate-Smart Villages, Kenya, by officials from the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources in Rwanda.

Officers from the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources in Rwanda working under the IFAD supported Climate Resilient Post-Harvest and Agribusiness Support Project will visit the Nyando CSV to learn from ongoing initiatives. These include:

  • adaptation to climate change
  • climate risk management,
  • mitigation and farmer capacity building

The Climate Resilient Post-Harvest and Agribusiness Support Project in Rwanda aims to alleviate poverty, increase the incomes of smallholders and rural labourers – including women, youth and vulnerable groups – and contribute to overall economic development in Rwanda. The project will demonstrate pro-poor and climate-resilient approaches to post-harvest activities undertaken amidst increasing climatic uncertainty.