
Farmer field learning event to enhance climate smart agriculture in Nyando

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The CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) benchmark site in Western Kenya - Nyando - will in late June be the place where major research and development partners will gather. All partners are working with farmers towards adapting communities with higher income and greater food security.

Some of the ongoing activities include climate information services, farmer experimentation network, and linkages with the private sector (input supply and marketing agencies). Involvement of local policy makers and shared learning are needed to provide an opportunity for the partners and farmers to reflect, and also for scaling up.


The CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) benchmark site in Western Kenya - Nyando - will in late June be the place where major research and development partners will gather. All partners are working with farmers towards adapting communities with higher income and greater food security.

Some of the ongoing activities include climate information services, farmer experimentation network, and linkages with the private sector (input supply and marketing agencies). Involvement of local policy makers and shared learning are needed to provide an opportunity for the partners and farmers to reflect, and also for scaling up.


The proposed shared learning event aims at:

  • Bringing together farmers from neighbouring local communities for cross fertilization of ideas
  • Bringing together partners to exchange ideas that will catalyse establishment of Nyando climate smart village
  • Initiating preparations for the Nyando site outcome mapping workshop in August
  • Guiding partners in developing a work-plan of activities for the short rainy season (September-November) in a participatory manner

Partners involved

  1. Research institutions: KARI Kibos,  Maseno University
  2. Development partners: CARE Sustainable Agriculture and Climate Change team, Vi-Agroforestry, World Neighbors
  3. Private sector: Magos Agricultural Enterprises, Honey Care Africa
  4. CGIAR centres: ICRAF Kisumu team, ILRI Green House Gas measurement team,
  5. Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, Kisumu and Kericho Counties:
  6. Farmers, local political leaders and administrators


Between 900 and 1,000 farmers will be involved in the event for 3 days. On each day, at least 300 farmers will participate through field demonstration sessions organized by each of the three umbrella community based organizations (FOKO, NECODEP and KAPSOKALE). Nyando CCAFS partners will provide resource persons who will help with logistics, facilitation and documentation of the event. All household baseline and neighboring villages that are covered by the three CBOs will be involved, and champion farmers with be hosts of the demonstrations.