Careers & Calls

Call for paper

WFP Research Papers Contest ”Sustainable Food and Nutrition Security: Building Bridges between Durable Agricultural Practices and School Feeding Programmes”


As part of the 5-year anniversary celebration, the Centre of Excellence against Hunger, in partnership with the University Centre of Brasília, are pleased to announce the launch of the Research Papers Contest ”Sustainable Food and Nutrition Security: Building Bridges between Durable Agricultural Practices and School Feeding Programmes”.

The contest is open to students enrolled in graduate programmes in any part of the world, as well as professors and graduated researchers in social and political sciences, and nutrition. The three top winners will take part in international study trips organized by the WFP Centre of Excellence. Articles must be submitted in English.


The contest will award scientific research articles on sustainable food and nutrition security that show the bridges between durable agricultural practices and school feeding. The contest will select the best papers in two distinct categories:

i) The three top research papers will be selected for the main prizes, delivered throughout 2017:

  • 1 st place: participate in an international study mission with Centre of Excellence’s team;
  • 2nd place: accompany the Centre of Excellence’s team in a study mission in Brazil;
  • 3rd place: join the Centre of Excellence’s team in a study mission in Brasília.

ii) The best five papers (including the top three) will be selected for the additional prize:

  • Articles published in 2017 as complete research papers in the Brazilian Journal of International Law, a leading scientific magazine in Brazil.

Accordingly, the Centre of Excellence expects the winners to:

  • Be able to travel to the chosen destination chosen by the Centre in 2017;
  • Possess a valid passport for the duration of the visit and six months beyond the period of the trip;
  • Be able to apply for and obtain a visa, if necessary;
  • Obtain at her/his own cost a health insurance valid in the destination country.

Aim and scope

We welcome both conceptual and empirical papers in English only reporting either quantitative, qualitative, and historical methods that rely on archival data analysis, surveys, case studies, or experiments, with special interest in longitudinal data, cross-disciplinary research, and multilevel approaches. Multi methodology research papers are also welcomed. The proposals should be formulated as assessment tools; case studies; general monitoring and evaluation; review and background information; impact evaluation; and legal instrument. A combination of various content types is possible and is encouraged.

We except authors to link, crosscut, and answer some of these driving questions, preferably liking their research evaluations to the Centre’s mandate and actions:

  • Which theoretical dialogues and methodologies could evidence the Centre’s influence on access to national-based treatment of severe malnutrition and food insecurity;  How do necessities of food security and smallholder farming affect transnational agenda setting, creating new dynamics to fight hunger worldwide;
  • What are the legal frameworks that support sustainable agriculture in specific case-study countries?
  • Do the existing legal frameworks to agriculture in specific case-study countries provide linkages between the concept of human security, social safety nets and food and nutritional security?
  • What is the benefit of the United Nations human security approach in addressing the broad range of food and nutritional insecurities faced by vulnerable communities?
  • To what extent do impacts and dynamics of regional and global governance networks on food security and right to food help sensitise national governments to create demands towards fighting hunger?
  • To what degree do international institutions and networks on food security and right to food help create multiple channels of communication able to sensitise and integrate global stakeholders agendas in these issues?
  • How do transnational and international knowledge sharing of national models of zero hunger actions can incentivise South-South and Triangular cooperation on fighting hunger and eradicating poverty?
  • To what extent do different levels of national multi-sectorial and intersectorial integration affect the design and implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, such as SDG 2 - Achieving zero hunger?
  • How are national legal and institutional frameworks formulated and implemented, affecting the allocation of resources on food security and right to food actions?
  • How can eradicating hunger join forces with the private sector, including small producers, to scale up successful programmes and link actions for better results?
  • To what degree may small and large-scale businesses contribute by disseminating their knowledge, data and scientific innovation to increase sustainable food production and provide access to food to the most vulnerable people?

Submission details

All submissions must be done via e-mail to:

The deadline for submission is 2 April 2017.

Click here for more information.