
NAP-Ag Knowledge Tank for agriculture sectors’ adaptation

The first holistic and categorized search engine of key tools and resources for adaptation planning integrating the agriculture sectors

Developed by the UNDP­–FAO "Integrating Agriculture in the National Adaptation Plans (NAP-Ag) Programme", the NAP-Ag Knowledge Tank supports and guides the formulation and implementation of National Adaptation Plans (NAPs), including their planning, budgeting, implementation, monitoring and reporting, especially targeting agriculture sectors.

The Knowledge Tank helps countries in implementing their Nationally Determined Contributions to of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and achieving SDGs, such as Zero Hunger.

The searchable database contains a wide range of up-to-date tools and knowledge resources, such as methods, case studies, articles, videos, e-learning materials, infographics and other knowledge from FAO and other international agencies as well as research and development programmes (such as UNDP, GIZ, World Bank, IFAD, WFP and CCAFS). These resources guide integration of food systems, including crop, livestock, forestry, fisheries and aquaculture in the national climate action.  

A user-friendly categorized search engine enables national planners, development officers, decision makers and other stakeholders dealing with climate change adaptation, resilience and disaster risk reduction in agriculture sectors to meet their information needs.

Check out the Knowledge Tank, where you will meet all your information needs to better formulate and implement national adaptation plans (NAPs) for food security and sustainable development: http://bit.ly/NAP_Ag_Knowledge_Tank