Scaling-up Strategies for Climate Risk Management in South Asian Agriculture

This project aims to increase farmers' access to climate-smart agriculture solutions by translating science-based evidence, enhanced capacity and innovative partnerships with regional, national and sub-national stakeholders in South Asia. To achieve this goal, the project focuses on evaluation and synthesis of CSA evidence across different agro-ecological systems and institutional mechanism of scaling out CSA innovations. These activities would contribute towards a national strategy for synthesizing existing and new knowledge and learnings gained by NARS and CG centres Programs in climate risk management to guide investments being made by the government and donors.
This project also focuses on developing climate-smart finance and investment plan at national and/or sub-national levels for scaling out CSA. These plans will lead to developing climate finance strategies in agriculture sectors through various financing sources and investment mechanisms. The CSA options are also exploring residue management using alternate tillage practices and straw management system to curb rice residue burning and resultant air pollution in north-western India. Additionally, this project focuses on assessing the links between CSA, Insurance, reinsurance and social welfare in climatically challenged areas using state-of-art tools and technologies to strengthen climatic risk management in the region.
Knowledge sharing and capacity development are integrated in this project; it provides a platform for South-South collaboration through capacity development, sharing science-based evidence on CSA and cross-CRP linkages. Raising the capacity of women and youth for climate risk management in agriculture are a critical part of the project for scaling out CSA practices, technologies, services and CSV approach.