Agriculture and Rural Development Day 2012
Do you believe in the importance of investing in an integrated landscape approach that improves agricultural productivity and rural livelihoods, while also addressing threats to forests, water, and biodiversity? Then make plans now to attend or follow online the 4th Agriculture and Rural Development Day at the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, also known as Rio+20.
Do you believe in the importance of investing in an integrated landscape approach that improves agricultural productivity and rural livelihoods, while also addressing threats to forests, water, and biodiversity? Then make plans now to attend or follow online the 4th Agriculture and Rural Development Day at the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, also known as Rio+20.
The purpose of the 4th Agriculture and Rural Development Day is to ensure that the vision for a sustainable green economy includes clear steps for building a sustainable food system.
It is time to rethink how we produce the food, fibre and bioenergy that will sustain our societies and provide livelihoods, whilst also protecting the environment. A profound change in how we manage landscapes is needed. The agriculture, fisheries and forestry sectors offer key solutions for green growth, and are central to food and nutrition security, poverty eradication and biodiversity conservation.
The event will give voice to a wide cross section of people working on land, food and sustainability. Learning events will explore concrete cases of success that could translate into a thorough transformation of the global food system, and afternoon sessions will focus on science for a food-secure future
The event will be structured around the seven recommendations put forward by the Commission on Sustainable Agriculture and Climate Change to ensure that the full spectrum of issues across food systems are considered.
Read more about the event on the official webpage:
View a complete list of events related for food security and agriculture on Agriculture Day's webpage under Related Events.
There is also an opportunity to follow the event online, via Live Streaming. More information about this will be available closer to the day.