
Seminar: Climate Change and Food Security in Developing Countries

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How can Japanese research contribute to efforts for achieving climate change, agriculture and food securities in developing countries?

Dr Ruben Echeverria (Director General of the International Centre for Tropical Agriculture - CIAT), and Dr Lini Wollenberg CCAFS Theme Leader, Pro-poor Mitigation will present ongoing work and key findings from the program and its international partners. CIAT is the lead centre for the CCAFS program, headquartered in Cali, Colombia.

How can Japanese research contribute to efforts for achieving climate change, agriculture and food securities in developing countries?

Dr Ruben Echeverria (Director General of the International Centre for Tropical Agriculture - CIAT), and Dr Lini Wollenberg CCAFS Theme Leader, Pro-poor Mitigation will present ongoing work and key findings from the program and its international partners. CIAT is the lead centre for the CCAFS program, headquartered in Cali, Colombia.

The session will include presentations from Japanese scientists currently undertaking work on climate change and agriculture that could potentially contribute to research efforts in developing countries. Presenters include  Dr Akio Takemoto, Director of the Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN) Secretariat.

The workshop is hosted by the Japanese Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Research Council, (AFFRC), Tsukuba Office. (Click for map)