
Within our work on Adaptation to Progressive Climate Change, one of the objectives is to generate comprehensive strategies for crop improvement through a combination of modeling, expert consultation and stakeholder dialogue, and translating these insights into coordinated global, regional and national research and technology investment policies.

Within our work on Adaptation to Progressive Climate Change, one of the objectives is to generate comprehensive strategies for crop improvement through a combination of modeling, expert consultation and stakeholder dialogue, and translating these insights into coordinated global, regional and national research and technology investment policies.

As part of its 2011 activities and in collaboration with the Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR), and the West African Center for Crop Improvement (WACCI), the CCAFS team is holding a three-day workshop to engage with international, regional and national crop improvement institutions. The workshop entitled: “Developing Climate-Smart Crops for a 2030 World” will be held on 6-8 December in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The target crops are sorghum, rice, beans and bananas.  The objective is twofold:

  • To Identify potential improvement scenarios and begin to incorporate them into models
  • To build a community of breeders and modelers alike to work together over the coming 3 years in the development of climate-smart breeding strategies

More than 40 participants are expected representing CG centers, regional institutions, NARS and Universities.
They come from more than 15 countries including:  Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger, Ghana and Cameroon for West Africa; Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania for East Africa; Malawi and Zambia for Southern Africa, India, Colombia and Brazil!

Please stay tuned over the next days for future life news and blog posts