Maliha Muzammil
Maliha Muzammil works as a Scenarios and Policy Researcher for the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) at the Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford.
She is driving multi-stakeholder scenario development for the future of food security, livelihoods and environments for South Asia, working extensively with a wide range of regional actors.The CCAFS scenarios work combines stakeholder perspectives with economic modelling to explore the long-term implications of multiple socio-economic scenarios combined with climate scenarios. The regional scenarios are then used to guide policies, investments and institutional change at national and regional levels.
Maliha is also a doctoral student at SOAS, University of London. Her research examines the opportunities and barriers for low carbon, climate resilient pathways in least developed countries using a political economy approach. The research aims to identify the co-benefits of linking adaptation and mitigation strategies and trade-offs that low carbon, climate resilient development trajectories will bring for Bangladesh, the case study country.
She has experience of working on climate change adaptation, community based adaptation, sustainable development and low carbon development. She has worked on knowledge management platforms, multi-stakeholder collaborations and conducted academic and evidence-based policy research for donor agencies (UKCDS, EPSRC), multilateral agencies (UNEP), developing country governments (Bangladesh, Cambodia), research institutes (IIED, ODI, Stakeholder Forum) and NGOs (BRAC, IUCN, Oxfam) and academic institutions (University of Oxford).
Selected publications
- Coghlan, C., Muzammil, M., Ingram, J., Vervoort, J., Otto, F. and James, R. (2014) A sign of things to come? Examining four major climate-related disasters, 2010-2013 and their impacts on food security. Oxfam Research Reports, Oxford. Oxfam.