
International Grains Conference

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Boosted by very large crops in recent years, world grains and oilseeds stocks have increased to comfortable levels, with wheat and soyabeans at record highs.

Prices have remained weak and profit margins are being squeezed. Against a challenging economic backdrop, producers in some countries are finding it ever more difficult to secure financing and farmers face tough choices in the years ahead.

How long might this bear market last?

At the 2016 IGC Grains Conference, panels of expert speakers will assess the following issues:
  • The current market situation and prospects for supply and demand.
  • What is the role of currency movements and other factors in the global trade in grains and oilseeds?
  • What are the main trade policy issues facing the market, including implications for major importers and exporters of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)?
  • How long will the current period of abundant global grains and oilseeds supplies last?

For more information visit the conference website.

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Photo credit: IGC