
Climate Smart Agriculture & Gender: Research into Practice

Photo: S. Kilungu (CCAFS)

What is a gender-responsive approach to Climate-Smart Agriculture in practice? How do research approaches and findings help us understand gender issues in CSA?


The World Bank's Gender in Agriculture and Rural Development Community of Practice (GENRD) and the Climate Smart Agriculture Global Solutions Group invite you to a live-streamed discussion.

On 21 April, tune in to learn about the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) Gender and Social Inclusion Program, and its R4D approach to promote gender equality in the context of climate-smart agriculture, food systems and landscapes. Researchers from the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) will present key recent research findings on the topic and USAID will share insights and experiences from their perspective, followed by a vibrant discussion on practical considerations for development operations.

Join us in this conversation about how R4D efforts can better inform investments, projects and programs aimed at creating opportunities for women, young people, and marginalized groups and promoting equitable access to resources, information and power in the agri-food system for men and women.

Catalysing positive change towards climate-smart agriculture, food systems and landscapes requires us to effectively address persistent gender equity gaps, including access to agricultural resources and information.  Men and women have different vulnerabilities to climate change and adaptive capacities. Climate change has the potential to worsen poverty and reinforce gender inequalities. Strategic gender-responsive and transformative research, integrated in development efforts, can address some of these challenges, and contribute to successful development operations and achievement of gender outcomes.


  • Sophia Huyer, Gender and Social Inclusion Research Leader, CCAFS
  • Elizabeth Bryan, Senior Research Analyst, IFPRI
  • Meredith Soule, Technical Division Chief, USAID


  • Marc Sadler, Adviser, GFAGE


  • Ioannis Vasileiou, Agricultural Spec., GFAGE

Tune in for the online streaming