
Mar 30, 2020

Farmer uptake of agro-meteorological advisories steadily growing in India | ICRISAT Happenings Newsletter

iSAT inspired the development of Meghdoot, an app that was built by ICRISAT jointly with the India Meteorological Department, Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology and Indian Council of Agricultural Research. Meghdoot provides crop-specific advisories by aggregating information from agro-met field units across India. The Meghdoot app, providing crop-specific advisories, has scaled up from 150 districts in 2019 to nearly all of India (718 districts). Over the last five years, around 5,000 farmers in India have used ICT-enabled climate information services provided by ICRISAT and its partners for planning and management of their farms. 

From Farmer uptake of agro-meteorological advisories steadily growing in India | ICRISAT  Happenings Newsletter