
SocioSectoreRegión(es)Ejes Temáticos
Ministry of Foreign AffairsGovernment office/departmentServicios de información climática
Ministry of HealthGovernment office/departmentÁfrica del este
Ministry of Irrigation and Water Resources, Sudan (MOIWR)Government office/departmentServicios de información climática
Ministry of Land and Environment Protection (DPRK)Government office/department
Ministry of Livestock Development (MLD)Government office/departmentÁfrica del esteDesarrollo bajo en emisiones
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE)Government office/departmentSureste de AsiaDesarrollo bajo en emisiones
Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD)Government office/departmentSur de Asia
Ministry of State for Development of Northern Kenya and Other Arid RegionsGovernment office/departmentÁfrica del esteTecnologías y prácticas ASAC
Ministry of Water and Environment (MWE)Government office/departmentÁfrica del este
Ministry of Water Resources (MoWR)Government office/departmentÁfrica del esteTecnologías y prácticas ASAC
Ministry of Water, Environment, Land Management and Urban Planning (MWLUP)Government office/department
Minsterio de la AgriculturaGovernment office/departmentAmérica Latina
Mitigation of Climate Change in Agriculture (MICCA)OtherDesarrollo bajo en emisiones
Moi University (MU)Academic InstitutionÁfrica del esteTecnologías y prácticas ASAC
Monash UniversityAcademic InstitutionDesarrollo bajo en emisiones
MonsantoPrivate Research InstitutionTecnologías y prácticas ASAC
Mount Valley Development Association (MVDA)Non-governmental organization/Development organizationSur de AsiaServicios de información climática
Munden ProjectPrivate Research InstitutionDesarrollo bajo en emisiones
MyradaNon-governmental organization/Development organizationSur de Asia
Nand Educational Foundation for Rural Development (NEFORD)Academic InstitutionSur de AsiaTecnologías y prácticas ASAC
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (NASA JPL)Research networkServicios de información climática, Desarrollo bajo en emisiones
Natioanl Climate Center (NCC)National agricultural research and extension services
National Advisory Council (NAC)Government office/departmentSur de Asia
National Agrarian University (UNA)Academic InstitutionAmérica LatinaTecnologías y prácticas ASAC
National Agric Economics and Policy Research institute (NCAP)National agricultural research and extension servicesSur de Asia