
A synthesis of the work of CCAFS and partners on climate change and food and nutrition security

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This report provides a synthesis of work by CCAFS and partners related to food and nutrition security (FNS). Written outputs by CCAFS and partners were evaluated based on indicators in the CCAFS Phase II proposal, documents from the CGIAR and the language of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG2 and SDG13). Complementing the review of written outputs, input on relevant additional CCAFS work and suggested future priorities and modalities were solicited from staff in the CCAFS Program Management Unit, flagship programs and regional programs.
This synthesis summarizes key contributions and indicates future knowledge-generation priorities. It focuses on the evidence for two thematic areas deemed to be of most importance, impacts of climate change on FNS and impacts of climate-related interventions on FNS, and by the type of analysis (e.g., empirical versus conceptual).


Nicholson CF. 2021. A synthesis of the work of CCAFS and partners on climate change and food and nutrition security. CCAFS Working Paper no. 369. Wageningen, the Netherlands: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).


  • Nicholson, Charles