
CCAFS Gender and Social Inclusion Strategy

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The CCAFS Gender and Social Inclusion (GSI) Strategy is an update of the CCAFS 2012
Gender Strategy. The new strategy addresses gender as well as social inclusion for different
social groups while bearing in mind that women are central to agriculture in developing
countries. The CCAFS approach to GSI allies with the CGIAR objectives to create
opportunities for women, young people and marginalized groups and to promote equitable
access to resources, information and power in the agri-food system for men and women in
order to close the gender gap by 2030.


Huyer S, Campbell BM, Hill C, Vermeulen S. 2016. CCAFS Gender and Social Inclusion Strategy. Working Paper no. 171. Copenhagen, Denmark: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).


  • Huyer, Sophia
  • Campbell, Bruce M.
  • Hill, Catherine
  • Vermeulen, Sonja J.