
Impact Pathways and Research Agenda for the Climate-Mobility-Security Nexus

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What are the interlinkages between climate change and variability, human mobility, and security? Where are the entry points for policies and programs that prevent climate-related mobility from causing conflict? What data gaps exist, and how can future research methodologies be designed to address them? Through a literature review of quantitative and qualitative literature on the climate-mobility-security nexus as well as an inward-facing portfolio review of CGIAR publications concerning the topic, this paper seeks to answer those questions and make recommendations to guide future research, policy priorities, and programming.


Savelli A, Schapendonk F, Sarzana C, Dutta Gupta T, Caroli G, Duffy M, de Brauw A, Thornton P, Pacillo G, Läderach P. 2021. Impact Pathways and Priorities for the Climate-Mobility-Security Nexus. CGAIR FOCUS Climate Security.


  • Savelli, Adam
  • Schapendonk, Frans
  • Sarzana, Carolina
  • Dutta Gupta, Tanaya
  • Caroli, Giulia
  • Duffy, Mairead
  • de Brauw, Alan
  • Thornton, Philip
  • Pacillo, Grazia
  • Läderach, Peter