
A SME self-assessment tool: integrating an impact-& investment scan and a pre-matching platform (A prototype designed by actors of the sustainable finance community)

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Scaling up sustainable finance in agriculture is limited by several systemic bottlenecks. To address these, CCAFS organized a design thinking series with actors of the sustainable community. This Info Note details the final prototype of the SME self-assessment tool that can help accelerate SME’s investment readiness.

The Sustainable Finance Challenges Series was implemented with funds by ACIAR and the Ministry of Nature, Agriculture and Food Quality of the Netherlands.


Koerner J, Heinz SM, Dinesh D. 2021. A SME self-assessment tool: integrating an impact-& investment scan and a pre-matching platform (A prototype designed by actors of the sustainable finance community). CCAFS Info Note. Wageningen, Netherlands: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).


  • Koerner, Jana
  • Heinz, Susanne Mira
  • Dinesh, Dhanush