
The Science base for Climate-Smart Agriculture in East Africa: An introduction to CCAFS resources and tools

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CCAFS provides a wide range of resources and tools, which can enable various stakeholders including farmers, governments, community organizations, and the private sector to implement climate-smart agriculture. Photo: T. Muchaba (CCAFS)

This webinar aims to familiarize private sector stakeholders in East Africa to CCAFS resources and tools, ongoing work with key partners, and to encourage greater uptake.

CCAFS Private Sector Webinar Series

The Science base for Climate-Smart Agriculture in East Africa:

An introduction to CCAFS resources and tools

Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) offers a way to transform the world food system and achieve three goals: near-term productivity and food security; longer-term resilience and adaptation; and reductions in emissions across landscapes, agriculture and food systems. CCAFS has strived to address the knowledge needs for implementing and scaling up CSA. CCAFS provides a wide range of resources and tools, which can enable various stakeholders including farmers, governments, community organizations, and the private sector to implement CSA. This webinar aims to familiarize private sector stakeholders in East Africa to CCAFS resources and tools, ongoing work with key partners, and to encourage greater uptake.

Tentative Agenda:

Dates: 28 August 2014 (12:30PM East Africa Time)




Introduction to webinar

Dhanush Dinesh (Chair)


What does CCAFS offer private sector partners

in East Africa?

James Kinyangi/ Sonja Vermeulen


The knowledge needs of the private sector for

CSA in East Africa

Suresh Patel,
Kenya Private Sector  Alliance (KEPSA)




All participants



Dhanush Dinesh



Language: The webinar will be delivered in English.

Registration: If you would like to attend this webinar, please click here

Contacts: For more information, please contact Maren Radeny (m.radeny@cgiar.org) or Dhanush Dinesh (d.dinesh@cgiar.org)