
Farmer learning event for enhancing climate-smart agriculture

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Photo: P. Kimeli (CCAFS)

A farmer learning event will be held to promote learning among farmers about climate-smart agriculture technologies and practises.

The CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) East Africa together with partners are working with farmers towards a better adapted community with higher income and greater food security. Some of the ongoing activities include climate information services, farmer experimentation network, and linkages with the private sector (input supply and marketing agencies). Involvement of local policy makers and shared learning are needed to provide an opportunity for the partners and farmers to reflect, and also for scaling up.

The farmer learning event aims at:

  • Bringing together farmers from neighbouring local communities for cross fertilization of ideas
  • Bringing together partners to exchange ideas that will catalyse establishment of Nyando climate smart village
  • Guiding partners in developing a work-plan of activities for the short rainy season (August-November) in a participatory manner
  • Preparing farmers to exhibit in the Kisumu ASK show at the end of July 2014.

Partners involved

  • Research institutions: KARI Kibos,  Maseno University (Kisumu County) , Kabianga University (Kericho County)
  • Development partners: Vi-Agroforestry, World Neighbors
  • Private sector: Magos Farm Enterprises, Africa Beekeepers, Orbit Chemical Industries, Kenya Women Finance Trust
  • CGIAR Centres: ICRAF, ILRI, CIFOR GHG measurement team,
  • CCAFS East Africa Regional team
  • Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries: Kisumu and Kericho Counties