Mobilizing a CGIAR Agricultural Insurance Research Community
The CGIAR Research Programs on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) and Policies, Markets and Institutions (PIM) are pleased to announce a workshop on 'Mobilizing a CGIAR Agricultural Insurance Research Community,' to be held 20-22 January, 2014 at the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) in Washington, DC.
Index‐based insurance is a significant component of the research agendas of CCAFS and PIM. Most of the CGIAR Centers have at least some activity related to index-based insurance. While the diversity of expertise and approaches that CGIAR researchers bring to the challenge is an asset, there is an urgent need and clear opportunity to unite as a community around a shared vision and a common framework for thinking about the roles that index insurance can play in addressing climate-related development and adaptation challenges. Identifying and exploiting synergies, and raising visibility among relevant development organizations and private sector partners will help position the CGIAR’s insurance research community to have greater impact.
CCAFS (James Hansen) and PIM (Maximo Terero, John Hoddinott) are jointly sponsoring a workshop as an early step in a collaborative process of fostering greater coherence and collaboration in the CGIAR's work on insurance. Emphasis will be more on pathways towards Development Outcomes than on research challenges. Specific objectives of the workshop are to:
- Bring the research community together around a shared vision and a consensus framework for understanding the contributions of insurance to agricultural and rural development and adaptation goals;
- Take stock of relevant expertise and approaches across the CGIAR; and
- Inform the design of viable Outcome-driven proposals for an upcoming call under CCAFS Flagship 2: Climate Information Services and Climate-Informed Safety Nets.
This meeting is by invite only. Read more about: