CLIFF-GRADS publications

Below is a list of publications with CLIFF and CLIFF-GRADS authors. CLIFF and CLIFF-GRADS author names are bold.

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CLIFF-GRADS Publications


Apdini T, Al Zahra W, Oosting SJ, et al. Understanding variability in greenhouse gas emission estimates of smallholder dairy farms in Indonesia. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment.

Arshad A,  Raza M A, Zang Y, Zhang L, Wang Z, Ahmed M, Habib-ur-rehman. Impact of Climate Warming on Cotton Growth and Yields in China and Pakistan: A Regional Perspective. Agriculture.

Bhattacharyya SS, Leite FFGD, Adeyemi MA, et al. A paradigm shift to CO2 sequestration to manage global warming – With the emphasis on developing countries. Science of the Total Environment.

Darabighane B, Tapio I, Ventto L, Kairenius P, Stefański T, Leskinen H, Shingfield KJ, Vilkki J, Bayat AR. Effects of Starch Level and a Mixture of Sunflower and Fish Oils on Nutrient Intake and Digestibility, Rumen Fermentation, and Ruminal Methane Emissions in Dairy Cows. Animals.

Martins M R, Sarkis L F, Guareschi R F, Santos C A, Sant’Anna S A C, Zaman M, Jantalia C P, Alves B J R, Boddey R M, Araújo E S, Urquiaga S. A simple and easy method to measure ammonia volatilization: Accuracy under field conditionsPedosphere.

Martins M R, Sarkis L F, Sant’Anna S A C, Santos C A, Araujo K E, Santos R C, Araújo E S, Alves B J R, Jantalia C P, Boddey R M, Zaman M, Urquiaga S. Optimizing the use of open chambers to measure ammonia volatilization in field plots amended with urea. Pedosphere.


Anuga Weniga S, Chirinda N, Nukpezah D, Ahenkan A, Andrieu N, Gordon C. 2020. Towards low carbon agriculture: Systematic-narratives of climate-smart agriculture mitigation potential in Africa. Current Research in Environmental Sustainability.

Arndt C, Misselbrook HT, Vega A, Gonzalez-Quintero R, Chavarro-Lobo AJ, Mazzetto MA, Chadwick RD. 2020. Measured Ammonia Emissions from Tropical and Subtropical Pastures: A Comparison with 2006 IPCC, 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC, and EMEP/EEA Inventory Estimates. Journal of Dairy Science.

Garcia F, Colombatto D, Brunetti MA, Martínez MJ, Moreno MV, Scorcione Turcato MC, Lucini E, Frossasco G, Martínez Ferrer J. 2020. The Reduction of Methane Production in the In Vitro Ruminal Fermentation of Different Substrates is Linked with the Chemical Composition of the Essential Oil. Animals.

Ku-Vera JC, Jiménez-Ocampo R, Valencia-Salazar SS, Montoya-Flores MD,
Molina-Botero IC, Arango J, Gómez-Bravo CA, Aguilar-Pérez CF, Solorio-Sánchez FJ. 2020. Role of Secondary Plant Metabolites on Enteric Methane Mitigation in Ruminants. Frontiers in Veterinary Science.

Roberta MG, Ntwanano MM, Carlo D, Nathan A, Jian L, Karin M. 2020. Comparing deep soil organic carbon stocks under kiwifruit and pasture land uses in New Zealand. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment.

Matzembacher DE, Brancoli P, Maia LM, Eriksson M. 2020. Consumer’s food waste in different restaurants configuration: A comparison between different levels of incentive and interaction. Waste Management.

Molina-Botero IC, Mazabel J Arceo-Castillo J Urrea-Benítez JL, Olivera-Castillo L, Barahona-Rosales R, Chirinda N, Ku-Vera J, Arango J. 2020. Effect of the addition of Enterolobium cyclocarpum pods and Gliricidia sepium forage to Brachiaria brizantha on dry matter degradation, volatile fatty acid concentration, and in vitro methane production. Tropical Animal Health and Production.

Zahid A, Ali S, Ahmed M, Iqbal N.  2020. Improvement of Soil Health through Residue Management and Conservation Tillage in Rice-Wheat Cropping System of Punjab, Pakistan. Agronomy.


Molina IC, Arroyave J, Valencia S, Barahona R, Aguilar C, Ayala A, Arango J, Ku J. 2019. Effects of tannins and saponins contained in foliage of Gliricidia sepium and pods of Enterolobium cyclocarpum on fermentation, methane emissions and rumen microbial population in crossbred heifers. Animal Feed Science and Technology.

Molina IC, Montoya D, Zavala L, Barahona R, Arango J, Ku J. 2019. Effects of long-term diet supplementation with Gliricidia sepium foliage mixed with Enterolobium cyclocarpum pods on enteric methane, apparent digestibility, and rumen microbial population in crossbred heifers. Journal of Animal Science.

Soremi PAS, Graterol E, Alvarez MA, Chirinda N. 2019. Turning to rice cultivars for solving the methane emissions in irrigated systems. Poster No. 3.23 at the 5th Global Science Conference on Climate-Smart Agriculture, 8-10 October, 2019 in Bali, Indonesia.

CLIFF Publications


Ayinde TB, Ahmed B, Nicholson CF. 2020. Farm-Level Impacts of Greenhouse Gas Reductions for the Predominant Production Systems in Northern Nigeria. In: Leal Filho W, Ogugu N, Adelake L, Ayal D, da Silva I, eds. African Handbook of Climate Change Adaptation 1-23 p.

Macharia J, Pelster DE, Ngetich FK, Shisanya CA, Mucheru‐Muna M, Mugendi DN. 2020. Soil greenhouse gas fluxes from maize production under different soil fertility management practices in East Africa. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences.


Bhatrai Bastakoti G, Doneys P. 2019. Gendered perceptions of climate variability, food insecurity, and adaptation practices in Nepal. Climate and Development.

Marín Gómez A. 2019. Sward heights for maximizing herbage and nutrient intake rate of dairy heifers grazing kikuyu grass and reduce in vitro methane production. PhD Thesis, Universidad Nacional de Colombia.

Rahman N, Bruun TB, Giller KE, Magid J, van de Ven G, de Neergaard A. 2019. Soil greenhouse gas emissions from inorganic fertilisers and recycled oil palm waste products on Indonesian oil palm plantations. Global Change Biology.


Choudhary M, Datta A, Jat HS, Yadav AK, Gathala MK, Sapkota TB, Das AD, Sharma PC, Jat ML, Singh R, Ladha JK. 2018.  Changes in soil biology under conservation agriculture based sustainable intensification of cereal systems in Indo-Gangetic PlainsGeoderma.

Choudhary M, Jat HS, Datta A, Yadav AK, Sapkota TB, Mondal S, Meena RP, Sharma PC, Jat ML. 2018. Sustainable intensification influences soil quality, biota, and productivity in cereal-based agroecosystemsApplied Soil Ecology.

Goopy JP, Onyango A, Dickhoefer U, Butterbach-Bahl K. 2018. A new approach for improving emission factors for enteric methane emissions of cattle in smallholder systems of East Africa – Results for Nyando, Western Kenya. Agricultural Systems.  

Onyango AA, Dickhoefer U, Rufino MC, Butterbach-Bahl K, Goopy JP. 2018. Temporal and spatial variability in the nutritive value of pasture vegetation and supplement feedstuffs for domestic ruminants in western Kenya. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences.


Arias-Navarro C, Díaz-Pinés E, Klatt S, Brandt P, Rufino MC, Butterbach-Bahl K, Verchot LV. 2017. Spatial variability of soil N2O and CO2 fluxes in different topographic positions in a tropical montane forest in Kenya. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences.

Arias-Navarro C, Díaz-Pinés E, Zuazo P, Rufino MC, Verchot LV, Butterbach-Bahl K. 2017. Quantifying the contribution of land use to N2O, NO and CO2 fluxes in a montane forest ecosystem of Kenya. Biogeochemistry.

Byrnes RC, Núñez J, Arenas L, Rao I, Trujillo C, Alvarez C, Arango J, Rasche F, Chirinda N. 2017. Biological nitrification inhibition by Brachiaria grasses mitigates soil nitrous oxide emissions from bovine urine patches. Soil Biology and Biochemistry.

Durango S, Gaviria X, González R, Sotelo Mauricio, Gutiérrez Jhon, Chirinda N, Arango J, Barahona R. 2017. Climate change mitigation initiatives in beef production systems in tropical countries. CCAFS Info Note. Wageningen, Netherlands: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).

Goopy JP, Pelster DE, Onyango A, Marshall K, Lukuyu M. 2017. Simple and robust algorithms to estimate liveweight in African smallholder cattle. Animal Production Science.

Marin A, Baldissera T, Pinto C, Garagorry F, Zubieta A, Giraldo LA, Chirinda N, Arango J, Carvalho P. 2017. Grazing management innovation as a strategy to improve animal production and reduce GHG emissions. (Spanish: Una innovación en el manejo del pastoreo como estrategia para mejorar la producción animal y reducir las emisiones de GEI). CCAFS Info Note. Wageningen, the Netherlands: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).

Musyimi Z, Said MY, Zida D, Rosenstock TS, Udelhoven T, Savadogo P, de Leeuw J, Aynekulu E. 2017. Evaluating fire severity in Sudanian ecosystems of Burkina Faso using Landsat 8 satellite images. Journal of Arid Environments.

Onyango AA. 2017. Contribution of smallholder ruminant livestock farming to enteric methane emissions in Lower Nyando, Western Kenya. PhD thesis, Universität Hohenheim.


Carvalho MTM, Madari BE, Bastiaans L, van Oort PAJ, Leal WGO, Heinemann AB, da Silva MAS, Maia AHN, Parsons D, Meinke H. 2016. Properties of a clay soil from 1.5 to 3.5 years after biochar application and the impact on rice yield. Geoderma.

Guarnacci U. 2016. Joining the dots: Social networks and community resilience in post-conflict, post-disaster Indonesia. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction.

Onyango AA, Dickhoefer U, Butterbach-Bahl K, Goopy J. 2016. Digestibility and metabolizable energy of selected tropical feedstuffs estimated by in vitro and prediction equations. Poster prepared for the Tropentag 2016 Conference on Solidarity in a Competing World.


Carvalho MTM. 2015. The impact of wood biochar as a soil amendment in aerobic rice systems of the Brazilian Savannah. PhD Thesis, Wageningen University & Research.

Heve WK, Olesen J, Chirinda N, Adiku S. 2015. Targeted management of organic resources for sustainably increasing soil organic carbon: observations and perspectives for resource use and climate adaptations in northern Ghana. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B — Soil & Plant Science.

Mujuru L, Rusinamhhodzi L, Nyamangara J, Hoosbeek MR. 2015. Effects of nitrogen fertilizer and manure application on storage of carbon and nitrogen under continuous maize cropping in Arenosols and Luvisols of Zimbabwe. The Journal of Agricultural Science.

Vu QD, de Neergaard A, Tran TD, Hoang HTT, Ly P, Tran T, Jensen L. 2015. Manure, biogas digestate and crop residue management affects methane gas emissions from rice paddy fields on Vietnamese smallholder livestock farms. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems.

Vu QD, de Neergaard A, Tran TD, Hoang HTT, Vu VTK, Jensen LS. 2015. Greenhouse gas emissions from passive composting of manure and digestate with crop residues and biochar on small-scale livestock farms in VietnamEnvironmental Technology.

Yusuf HM, Treydte AC, Sauerborn J. 2015. Managing semi-arid rangelands for carbon storage: Grazing and wood encroachment effects on soil carbon and nitrogen. PLoS ONE.


Kansiime KM, Shisanya AC, Wambugu KS. 2014. Effectiveness of technological options for minimising production risks under variable climateic conditions in eastern UgandaAfrican Crop Science Journal.

Mujuru L. 2014. The potential of carbon sequestration to mitigate climate change in forests and agro ecosystems of Zimbabwe. PhD thesis, Wageningen University.

Muriuki S. 2014. Analysis of Biogas Technology for Household Energy, Sustainable Livelihoods and Climate Change Mitigation in Kiambu County, Kenya. PhD thesis, Kenyatta University.

Nyamadzawo G, Shi Y, Chirinda N, Oleson J, Mapanda F, Wuta M, Wu W, Meng F, Oelofse M, de Neergaard A, Smith J. 2014. Combining organic and inorganic nitrogen fertilisation reduces N2O emissions from cereal crops: a comparative analysis of China and Zimbabwe. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change

Nyamadzawo G, Wuta M, Nyamangara J, Nyamugafata P, Chirinda N. 2014. Optimizing dambo (seasonal wetland) cultivation for climate change adaptation and sustainable crop production in the smallholder farming areas of ZimbabweInternational Journal of Agricultural Sustainability

Nyamadzawo G, Wuta M, Nyamangara J, Smith JL, Rees RM. 2014. Nitrous oxide and methane emissions from cultivated seasonal wetland (dambo) soils with inorganic, organic and integrated nutrient management. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems.

Nyamadzawo G, Wuta M, Nyamangara J,Rees R, Smith J. 2014. The effects of catena positions on greenhouse gas emissions along a seasonal wetland (dambo) transect in tropical Zimbabwe. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science.

Vu QD, de Neergaard A, Tran TD, Hoang HTT, Vu VTK, Jensen LS. 2014. Greenhouse gas emissions from passive composting of manure and digestate with crop residuesbiochar on small-scale livestock farms in VietnamEnvironmental Technology.


Arias-Navarro C, Díaz-Pinés E, Kieseb R, Rosenstock TS, Rufino MC, Stern D, Neufeldt H, Verchot LV, Butterbach-Bahl K. 2013. Gas pooling: a sampling technique to overcome spatial heterogeneity of soil carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide fluxesSoil Biology and Biochemistry.

Carvalho MTM, Madari BE, Leal WGO, Costa AR, Machado PLOA, Silveira PM, Moreira JAA, Heinemann AB. 2013. Nitrogen fluxes from irrigated common-bean as affected by mulching and mineral fertilization. Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira.

Ding L, Wang C, Lu Q, Yan Z, Shi Z. 2013. Effects of Configuration and Head Space Wind Profile on the Performances of Flux Chambers in Gas Emission Measurement: A Laboratory Study. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers. Paper Number 131619989. Kansas City, Missouri, USA.

Kansiime MK, Wambugu SK, Shisanya CA. 2013. Perceived and actual rainfall trends and variability in Eastern Uganda: implications for community preparedness and responseJournal of Natural Sciences Research.

Mujuru L, Gotora T, Velthorst EJ, Nyamangara J, Hoosbeek MR. 2013. Soil carbon and nitrogen sequestration over an age sequence of Pinus patula plantations in Zimbabwean Eastern Highlands. Forest Ecology and Management.

Mujuru L, Mureva A, Velthorst, EJ, Hoosbeek MR. 2013. Land use and management effects on soil organic matter fractions in Rhodic Ferralsols and Haplic Arenosols in Bindura and Shamva districts of ZimbabweGeoderma

Nyamadzawo G, Wuta M, Chirinda N, Smith JL. 2013. An estimation of greenhouse gas emissions from seasonal wetland (dambo) rice in Chiota smallholder farming area of ZimbabweAtmospheric Climate Sciences.


Guarnacci, U. 2012. Governance for sustainable reconstruction after disasters: Lessons from Nias, Indonesia. Environmental Development.