
Niger: A Technical Assistance to the Ministry of Environment to promote sustainable agricultural development

The Technical Assistance project will support Niger's Ministry of Environment to combine land-based actions addressing concerns about the resilience of food production systems to climate risks. Photo: Dansira Dembélé (CCAFS)

Building the capacity of national stakeholders to prioritize climate-smart agriculture in Niger. 

The CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development of Niger (MEDD), organized a launch workshop for the Long-Term Technical Assistance Project to the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development of Niger (AT-MEDD) under the Climate Change Resilience Support Project (PARC-DAD). The event took place in Niamey on 14 February 2018 at the National Center for Environment and Sustainable Development (CNEDD).

The workshop aimed to inform parties involved in the implementation of PARC-DAD of the ATT-MEDD project’s role and mission. It was a good opportunity for the project to learn about the other initiatives involved in PARC-DAD.

Specifically, the AT-MEDD project will support the MEDD in implementing and carrying out activities to strengthen agro-silvo-pastoral production and sustainable management of land and ecosystems to increase farmers’ resilience to climate change and risks in line with gender equality principles. Moreover, it will build the capacity of MEDD decentralized services, as well as regional and local climate-smart agriculture (CSA) stakeholders. Besides, the project will seek to build MEDD's technical capacity in coordinating and monitoring PARC-DAD activities.

Six organizations and institutions participated in the workshop that are involved in the implementation of PARC-DAD field projects (ICRISATLWRCOOPIEau-ViveCONEMUND, and CISV). In addition, the Technical Assistance Project for CNEDD (AT-CNEDD), implemented by CA17 International, was represented at the workshop. The overall goal of the AT-CNEDD is to support CNEDD and ensure better coordination and monitoring of PARC-DAD initiatives on climate change, desertification control, and PARC-DAD biodiversity management.

Watch the video of the official launch of the Technical Assistance project (implemented by CCAFS West Africa) to the Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development of Niger:

Niger's keen hope for the PARC-DAD project

In his opening speech, the MEDD Secretary-General, Colonel Bila Maina, expressed his satisfaction in regards with the AT-MEDD’s actual implementation and focused on how the PARC-DAD project is a major support to the Government of Niger in the implementation of the national climate change policy. The Secretary-General expressed his hope to see AT-MEDD strengthen the PARC-DAD project to improve the living conditions of the targeted rural population of Niger and achieve the objectives of the 3N Initiative.

Mr. Enrique de Loma-Ossorio Friend, Head of the Rural Development and Food Security Section of the Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Niger, donor of the PARC-DAD project, outlined the historical background of the PARC-DAD project: "The PARC- DAD is part of a global climate change initiative launched by the European Union Commission known as the Global Climate Change Alliance (GCCA). The initiative is currently being promoted throughout the world." Mr. Friend reiterated the Delegation's hope for the success of the PARC-DAD project.

The Country Director on ICRISAT in Niger, Dr. Malick Bâ, reminded participants of CCAFS and its intervention areas. He also pointed out some activities carried out in Niger by CCAFS, particularly the Kampa Zarma Climate-Smart Village and the upcoming signing of a partnership with the Climate-Sensitive Agriculture Support Project (PASEC).

Discussions for effective synergy in actions

The workshop was a good opportunity for both Technical Assistance actors (MEDD and CNEDD) and the PARC-DAD Coordination to inform each other about current and future activities.

Potential synergies between AT-MEDD and AT-CNEDD will focus on revitalizing the Changement Climatique Agriculture et Securité Alimentaire (C-CASA) Niger science-policy dialogue platform, building the capacity of MEDD stakeholders, and operationalizing a system for monitoring and evaluating initiatives relating to commitments to change PARC-DAD activities.

PARC-DAD was established under the Global Climate Change Alliance launched by the European Union to help developing countries and small island developing countries to adapt to climate change. Consequently, specific programs have been set up for each region and country.

Niger has been affected by the negative effects of climate change. This situation affects agricultural production, and therefore food and nutrition security, which is a major concern for the population and the government.

Watch the photos from the project launch:


PARC-DAD's intervention combines field activities that address government concerns about the resilience of food production systems to climate risks. CCAFS, through this assistance to MEDD under the PARC-DAD, will build the capacity of national stakeholders at various levels to manage rural development and implement projects in a manner that it is more integrated, sustainable and resilient to climate change and risks for the benefit of Niger’s populations.

The AT-MEDD project started in February 2018 will be implemented over a period of 28 months, with a total budget of EUR 1.269 million. Its intervention areas will be Dosso and Zinder regions, and it will have impacts on the national level.

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Dansira Dembélé is Communications Officer at CCAFS West Africa based at ICRISAT West & Central Africa.