
New website providing coffee companies with the resources they need to combat climate change is launched.

The USAID Feed the Future Learning Community for Supply Chain Resilience are happy to announce the launch of the Climate Smart Coffee website

Launched in early May, the website was created to increase private sector engagement in and funding for smallholder farmer resilience against climate change. Designed to guide medium and large companies, who buy from and support smallholder coffee value chains, the website identifies relevant areas of engagement and investment in adaptation to climate change. 

Visit the new 
Climate Smart Coffee website

The website provides easy access to information on building resilience within any coffee supply chain, in three sections. The first section covers the basics of climate-smart agriculture. The second covers private sector engagement: the role companies can play, and how different companies are acting on climate change. And the third section outlines how companies can take action, following a simple process laid out in the document Introduction to Assessing Climate Resilience in Smallholder Supply Chains

The Take Action section of the Climate Smart Coffee website.

Throughout the website, coffee companies can follow links to tools and resources offered by leaders in the field. This includes research completed by the USAID Feed the Future Alliance for Resilient Coffee, the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) Mainstreaming Climate Smart Value Chains initiative and other key partners. The site highlights information from leading knowledge platforms like coffee&climate, Global Coffee Platform, Specialty Coffee Association, and Conservation International’s Sustainable Coffee Challenge. 

The Climate Smart Coffee website is a sister site to the forthcoming Climate Smart Cocoa website, designed for cocoa companies and created by the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) and Rainforest Alliance/Utz. 

The Climate Smart Coffee website was created by CIAT, the Sustainable Food Lab, and CCAFS. CCAFS is a collaboration among all 15 CGIAR Research Centers, including the International Institute for Tropical Agriculture (IITA). CCAFS is led by CIAT. With help from the Rainforest Alliance, Root Capital and the Sustainable Food Lab, the consortium provides the evidence-based science behind the Climate Smart Coffee website.

Kaitlin Sampson is Communications and Program Coordinator for the Sustainable Food Lab.