Issa Ouedraogo
Dr. Issa Ouedraogo is a Scientist at the CGIAR Research program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), West Africa Regional Program, based at ICRISAT-Bamako (Mali). He is the USAID/CINSERE Project Coordinator –based in Dakar, Senegal.
Dr. Issa Ouedraogo holds a Master's Degree in Geography from the University of Cape Coast (UCC), Ghana and a Doctorate Degree from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), in Forest Resource Management with specialization in GIS and Remote Sensing.
Prior to joining the CCAFS as a Scientist, Dr. Ouedraogo worked for the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF-Nairobi, 2014-2015); for the Stockholm Resilience Centre (SRC-Stockholm, 2012-2013) and as guest scientist at the University of Frankfurt (Germany, 2012). He also has the title of senior researcher at the Institut de l’Environnement et de Recherches Agricoles (INERA, 2010-2016) in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. His areas of expertise are, but not limited to, land use and cover transition and drivers, population and environment nexus, agricultural soil water conservation interventions, water harvesting technologies for small scale agriculture, adaptation and mitigation practices.
In the course of his research experience, Dr Ouedraogo became aware that agricultural water management interventions and climate information services are essential for improving crop productivity, reducing poverty and increasing the resilience of smallholder farmers to climate shocks in semi-arid rural zones in Sub-Saharan Africa. To achieve this, doing with rather than doing for people is the right way to implementing agricultural water interventions in rural areas with long-term sustainability.
Dr. Issa Ouedraogo has published several papers on land use/cover transition, local adaptation measures to climate change and population growth and land transformation.
- Malmborg, K.; Sinare, H.; Enfors Kautsky, E.; Ouedraogo, I.; Gordon, L.J., 2018: Mapping regional livelihood benefits from local ecosystem services assessments in rural sahel. PLOS ONE 13(?)
- Savadogo M., K. Ouattara K., Ouedraogo I., 2017 : propriétés hydriques des sols dans deux zones à écosystèmes contrastés au Sahel. Agronomie Africaine 29(1):119-129
- Mwenda P., Mbow C., and Ouedraogo I., 2017: Linking temporal climate factors with staple cereal yields in Southern Burkina Faso. International Journal of Environmental and Ecological Engineering 5(2).
- Savadogo OM., Ouattara K., Pare S., Ouedraogo I., Sawadogo-Kaboré S., Barron J., Zombre NP., 2016. Structure, composition spécifique et diversité des ligneux dans deux zones contrastées en zone Sahélienne du Burkina Faso. VertigO 16(1).
- Savadogo OM., Ouattara K., Ouedraogo I., Zombre NP. 2016. Vegetation improvement and soil biological quality in the Sahel of Burkina Faso. International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences 10(3).
- Tondoh, J. E., Ouédraogo I., Bayala J., Tamene L., Sila A., Vågen T. G., and Kalinganiré A.. 2016. Soil organic carbon stocks in semi-arid West African drylands: implications for climate change adaptation and mitigation. SOIL Discuss. 2016:1-41.
- Borona, M., Mbow C., and Ouedraogo I. 2016. Unstacking high temporal resolution meteorological data for multidimensional analysis of climate variability in southern Burkina Faso. Geografisk Tidsskrift-Danish Journal of Geography 116:176-189
- Ouedraogo I., Barron J., Tumbo SD., Kahimba FC., 2015. Land cover transition in northern Tanzania. Land Degradation & Development, DOI: 10.1002/ldr.2461
- Ouedraogo, I.; Mbow, C.; Balinga, M.; Neufeldt, H., 2015. Transitions in Land Use Architecture under Multiple Human Driving Forces in a Semi-Arid Zone. Land 2015, 4, 560-577.
- Borona M, Mbow C, Ouedraogo I, Coe R. 2015. Associating multivariate climatic descriptors with cereal yields: A case study of Southern Burkina Faso. ICRAF Working Paper No. 207 Nairobi: World Agroforestry Centre.
- Savadogo OM., Ouattara K., Barron J., Ouedraogo I., Gordon L., Enfors E., Zombre NP., 2015. Etats des écosystèmes sahéliens : reverdissement, perte de la diversité et qualité des sols. Afrique Science, 11(5), 433-446.
- de Bruin A, Pateman R, Barron J, Balima M, Ouedraogo I, Da Dapola E, Fosu M, Annor Fo, Magombeyi M, Kileshye Onema J-M., 2015. Setting up Agricultural Water Management interventions – learning from successful case studies in the Volta and Limpopo river basins. Water Resources and Rural Development.
- Mbow C., Brandt B., Ouedraogo I., Leeuw j., 2015. What Four Decades of Earth Observation Tell us about Land Degradation in the Sahel? Remote Sensing 7: 4048-4067
- Kaboré Séraphine S., Ouédraogo Issa, Traoré San, 2015. Staff aging and turnover in agricultural research: a case study on the Burkina Faso Environment and Agricultural Research Institute. Agricultural Science & Technology Indicators (ASTI) – IFPRI
- Ouedraogo I, Runge j., Eisenberg J., Sawadogo/Kaboré S., Barron J., 2014. The re-greening of the Sahel: natural cyclicity or human-made changes? Land 2014, 3, 1075-1090; doi:10.3390/land3031075.
- Kaboré/Sawadogo S., Ouattara K., Balima M., Ouedraogo I, Traoré S., Savadogo M and Gowing J., 2013: Burkina Faso: a cradle of farm-scale technologies. In Water Harvesting in Sub-Saharan Africa. Edited by: W. Critchley and J. Gowing. CTA, pp 51-69. ISBN: 1136273050, 9781136273056
- Ouedraogo I., Ouattara K., Kaboré/Sawadogo S. Paré S., Barron J. 2012. Permanent internal migration as response to food shortage: implication to ecosystem services in southern Burkina Faso. In "Food Production: Approaches, Challenges and Tasks", INTECHopen: ISBN: 979-953-307-284-4, pp 41 - 54
- Dibloni O. T., Soulama S., Ouedraogo I., Guenda W., 2012. Feeding Habits of Hippopotamus amphibius and Carrying Capacity in the Biosphere Reserve of “Mare aux Hippopotames” in the South-Sudanian Zone of Burkina Faso. Pakistan J. Zool., vol. 44(2), pp. 433-442, 2012.
- Ouedraogo I., Savadogo P., Tigabu M., Dayamba SD., OdénPC.,2011. Systematic and Random Transitions of land cover types in Burkina Faso, West Africa. International Journal of Remote Sensing, DOI:10.1080/01431161.2010.495095.
- Ouedraogo I., Savadogo P., Tigabu M., Cole R., OdénPC.,Ouadba JM., 2011. Trajectory Analysis of Forest Cover Change in the Tropical Dry Forest of Burkina Faso, West Africa. Landscape Research, Vol. 36, No. 3, 303-320.
- Ouedraogo I., Tigabu M., Savadogo P., Compaoré H., Odén PC., Ouadba JM., 2010. Land cover change and its relation with population dynamics in Burkina Faso, West Africa. Land Degradation & Development, 20, pp. 217-230.
- Ouedraogo I., Savadogo P., Tigabu M., Cole R., OdénPC.,Ouadba JM., 2009. Is rural migration a threat to environmental sustainability in southern Burkina Faso? Land Degradation &Development , 21(5), pp. 453-462.
- Ouedraogo I., 2006. Land use dynamics in Bieha District, Sissili Province, southern Burkina Faso, West Africa. Umoja 1(2), pp. 18 - 34.
- Koné N., Balima / Dama M., Ouedraogo I., 2005. Inventaire cartographique des bas-fonds et plaines de la boucle de Mouhoun par fusion de données LandsatEtm+ panchromatique et multispectrales. Cahier du Centre d’Etude et de Recherche en Lettre, Sciences Humaines et Sociales (CERLESHS) Numéro Spécial, pp37 - 50. Université de Ouagadougou.