
Mapping-out Myanmar's Climate Smart Agriculture Strategy Focused on Rice-Based Farming Systems

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His Excellency U Thein Sein, president of the Republic of Union of Myanmar, visited IRRI to strengthen research collaboration to improve rice productivity in his country. (Photo credit: IRRI)

Myanmar has embarked on extensive reform programs, spurring the country's economic growth at 7.3% in 2012-2013. However, these gains are being threatened by climate change. To address this, Myanmar mapped out a National Adaptation Program of Action (NAPA). But much remains to be done.

Myanmar has yet to develop a comprehensive strategy on climate change adaptation and mitigation for the agriculture sector focusing on the country's most important and dominant crop - rice. This strategy would serve as a roadmap for national action as well a guide for international donors and development partners.
In this context, a 3-day national consultation and strategic planning workshop cum writeshop will be conducted on 9-11 September. The activity shall aim to:
  1. Analyze the contemporary state and trends in agriculture under climate change in Myanmar.
  2. Identify current challenges, opportunities and threats to Myanmar’s agriculture under climate change.
  3. Map out CSA strategic thrusts, priority programs and their corresponding goals and objectives for five to ten years under different developmental and climate change scenarios.
  4. Draw up performance measures in achieving Myanmar’s CSA strategy.

Co-organized by the Ministry of Agriculture, Republic of Union of Myanmar, CGIAR Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security Regional Program for Southeast Asia (CCAFS-SEA) and the International Rice Research Institute, this workshop will involve key government officials, national and international partners, civil society and key stakeholders of the country’s agriculture sector.  

A draft CSA strategy will be developed based on workshop results, for review by a panel of experts and to be redrafted accordingly.