Training Workshop on Implementing the Village Baseline Study
The initial climate smart villages (CSV) have been identified in focus countries in Southeast Asia (Cambodia, Lao PDR and Vietnam). The spadework organizational activities in the CSVs have been mapped out, following best practices in community organizing.
A critical follow through step would be a training workshop that will be held on 1-6 September 2014 in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. This activity aims to capacitate the CSV teams composed of community organizers, facilitators and note-takers on how to properly conduct Situation Analysis/Needs Assessment and Farm-Household Survey using participatory methods and approaches in conducting Village Baseline Study (VBS) in the CSVs.
Outputs of this activity include baseline information at the village level about some basic indicators of natural resource utilization, organizational landscape, information networks for weather and agricultural information, as well as mitigation baseline information, which can be compared across sites and monitored over time. This will be the first step towards local engagement for participatory action research.