
Collaboration for rigorous, low-cost emissions estimates

Photo: N. Palmer (CIAT)

CCAFS and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) partnered to establish and disseminate scientifically rigorous, coherent and affordable methodologies for estimating greenhouse gas emissions from land use. 

The partners have hosted six workshops in which scientific and policy leaders:

  • Synthesized the state of knowledge about quantification of GHGs in agriculture and developed a road map for its improvement.
  • Identified incentives for economically viable and sustainable practices to mitigate climate change while also contributing to food security
  • Examined emerging policy for national appropriate mitigation options (NAMAs) and produced a review and guidelines for national policy makers.

Workshop Publications and Presentations:

Please see publications and presentations from each workshop below.

1. Workshop on reducing the costs of GHG estimates

(10-12 November 2014)

Workshop agenda and presentations:

Emissions data guidelines of UNFCCC and climate finance mechanisms:

Innovations that decrease the costs of collecting biophysical and activity data:

Available emission factor data and low-cost methods for ghg data estimation:

Methods for low-cost field measurement:

Tool bazaar:

2. Workshop on NAMAs 

(16 - 17 July 2012)


  • Wilkes A, Tennigkeit T, Solymosi K. 2013. National integrated mitigation planning in agriculture: a review paper. Mitigation of Climate Change in Agriculture Series 7. Rome, Italy: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). This review provides national policy makers and others in the agriculture sector with an overview of national mitigation planning processes and aids in identifying relevant processes for promoting agricultural development. It also provides policy makers and low-emissions development planners with an overview of mitigation planning in the agriculture sector and highlights the relevance of agriculture to national mitigation plans and actions.
  • Wilkes A, Tennigkeit T, Solymosi K. 2013. National integrated mitigation planning in agriculture: a guidance document. Mitigation of Climate Change in Agriculture Series 7. Rome, Italy: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).  Also available in Spanish. This document provides national policy makers, advisors and other stakeholders in the agriculture sector with an introduction to the main climate change mitigation planning approaches and the key elements to be considered in the planning process for agricultural systems.

Workshop report and presentations:

3. GHG Quantification Technical Workshop 

(18 - 20 April 2012). Co-sponsored by Duke University Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy solutions.

35 scientists and policymakers advanced synthesis and new approaches for the quantification of agricultural greenhouse gases in smallholder agriculture. CCAFS, Duke and FAO commissioned articles for a special issue of Environmental Research Letters (ERL): Focus on Improving Quantification of Agricultural Greenhouse Gases.


4. Smallholder Mitigation - Farm and Landscape Workshop

(27 - 28 October 2011)


Workshop report and presentations:

5. Smallholder Mitigation - Expert Workshop 

(7 - 8 July 2011)


Workshop report and presentations:

6. Towards a Framework for Smallholder Agricultural Mitigation - Technical Workshop​

(13 July 2010)

Workshop report and presentations: