
CCAFS Global Policy Engagement Manager, Dhanush Dinesh, will be speaking at BIOFACH 2020 on policies driving organic and sustainability.

About the event

Organic agriculture and agroecology provide an effective pathway for achieving the SDGs. Worldwide, there is a growing number of good examples showcasing how local and national policies can contribute to change. The session highlights examples from a community of practice of policymakers dedicated to sustainable agriculture and food systems.

Learn more about the BIOFACH Congress and check out the official event page.

Tentative agenda




Moderator: Louise Luttikholt, Executive Director, IFOAM - Organics International Head Office
15:0015:10Opening by Moderator 
15:1015:25SpeechMogens Jensen, Minister of Agriculture and Food of Denmark, Ministry of Agriculture and Food of Denmark
15:4015:45Summary of key messages 
15:4515:50Presentation and Q&A

Lee Cha Yong, Mayor of Goesan County, Korean President of ALGOA, The Asian Local Governments for Organic Agriculture

15:5015:55Summary of key messages 


Linking national/local programmes and the creation of international initiatives for upscaling ambition in achieving sustainable agriculture.

What are the synergies, what is currently missing?

Emma Siliprandi, Lead Focal Point for the Scaling Up Agroecology Initiative, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Dhanush Dinesh, Global Policy Engagement Manager, CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security
