Online discussion: The future of food security and climate change in Viet Nam, Malawi and Zambia: scenarios, outlooks and challenges in the next 30 years
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is together with Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN) convening an online discussion on “The future of food Security and climate Change in Viet Nam, Malawi and Zambia: scenarios, outlooks and challenges in the next 30 years”. The discussion is taking place 19 March - 9 April
The discussion aims at exploring the current, foreseeable and likely relationships between climate change adaptation, climate change mitigation and food security in the three countries and has been set up by FAO’s Economics and Policy Innovations for Climate-Smart Agriculture (EPIC) programme in collaboration with the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) and with support from the European Commission.
The aim of this online discussion is to enrich the outcomes from the scenario workshops held in 2013 and to prepare for the second round. Participants and other stakeholders are invited to take part.
The outcomes will feed into the preparation of the second round of workshops which will be held as follows: 8-9 May 2014 in Malawi, 8-10 May 2014 in Viet Nam, 20-21 May 2014 in Zambia.
The main questions proposed are:
1. What do you think are the main drivers of and obstacles to development for Malawi / Viet Nam / Zambia in the next 30 years? (see the list of drivers and obstacles in each country)
2. Keeping in mind that each scenario represents an extreme future, how plausible do you think the scenarios for Malawi/Viet Nam/Zambia are?What would you like to add/change in each scenario to make it more plausible from your perspective?
3. What solutions would support the drivers of the best scenario and help overcome obstacles encountered on the way? How about overcoming the challenges of the worst scenarios?
4. What are the key first steps needed to get a change process in motion, and who needs to be involved?
Please go to the page dedicated to the country of your interest (Malawi, Viet Nam or Zambia) to see the scenarios and to respond to the questions.
Register to the FSN Forum, send your contribution to or post it on the FSN Forum website. Contributions in English, Vietnamese, French and Spanish are welcomed.