
PartnerSecteurRégion(s)Axe(s) thématiques(s)
Department of Agriculture (DoA)Government office/departmentAsie du Sud-Est
Department of AgricultureGovernment office/departmentAsie du Sud
Department of Agriculture, Andhra PradeshGovernment office/departmentAsie du Sud
Department of Agroforestry and Environment (BSMRAU)Non-governmental organization/Development organizationAsie du Sud
Department of Animal Health and Livestock Development (DAHLD)Government office/departmentTechnologies et pratiques de l'AIC
Department of Climate Change and Meteorological Services, MalawiGovernment office/departmentTechnologies et pratiques de l'AIC
Department of CropsGovernment office/departmentTechnologies et pratiques de l'AIC
Department of Environment and ForestsGovernment office/departmentAsie du Sud
Department of Fisheries, MalawiGovernment office/departmentTechnologies et pratiques de l'AIC
Department of Fisheries, ZambiaGovernment office/departmentTechnologies et pratiques de l'AIC
Department of ForestryGovernment office/departmentServices climatiques et Filets sociaux
Department of Groundwater Resources, Thailand (DGR)Government office/departmentAsie du Sud-EstTechnologies et pratiques de l'AIC
Department of Hydrology and Meteorology (DHM)Government office/departmentAsie du SudServices climatiques et Filets sociaux
Department of Irrigation (DoI)Government office/departmentAsie du SudTechnologies et pratiques de l'AIC
Department of IrrigationGovernment office/departmentAsie du SudTechnologies et pratiques de l'AIC
Department of Land Resources ConservationGovernment office/departmentTechnologies et pratiques de l'AIC
Department of MeteorologyGovernment office/departmentAsie du SudTechnologies et pratiques de l'AIC
Department of Natural Resources and the Environment (DONRE)Government office/departmentAsie du Sud-EstServices climatiques et Filets sociaux
Department of Research and Development (DRD)National agricultural research and extension servicesAfrique de l'EstTechnologies et pratiques de l'AIC, Services climatiques et Filets sociaux
Department of Soil Conservation  and Watershed Management, Nepal (DSCWM)Government office/departmentAsie du SudTechnologies et pratiques de l'AIC
Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities (Australia) (DSEWPaC)Government office/department
Department of Water Resources (DWR)Government office/departmentAsie du Sud-EstTechnologies et pratiques de l'AIC
Deutsche Gesellschaft for Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)Non-governmental organization/Development organizationAsie du SudTechnologies et pratiques de l'AIC
Development of Humane Action Foundation (DHAN)Non-governmental organization/Development organizationAsie du Sud
Development Wheel (DEW)Non-governmental organization/Development organizationAsie du Sud