
Sharing lessons in translating research results into impact for food security, nutrition and human health

Conference Questions

  • How can the results of basic science and inter-disciplinary research lead to increased impact on food security and human health?
  • How can partnerships between research and development organisations deliver innovation and impact?

Sharing lessons in translating research results into impact for food security, nutrition and human health

Conference Questions

  • How can the results of basic science and inter-disciplinary research lead to increased impact on food security and human health?
  • How can partnerships between research and development organisations deliver innovation and impact?

Networking and knowledge brokering sessions will take place during the conference.

Registrations are invited from national and international research organisations, development agencies, donors, civil society and the private sector working on food security, nutrition and human health

Submissions of conference papers and posters are invited by 18th April

Conference fee: £150 day delegate, £300 residential delegate. Financial assistance available for African delegates on application. Reduced rates for PhD students and Africa College members.