
CCAFS Science Meeting

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The purpose of the meeting is to advance science on climate adaptation and mitigation for agriculture and food security in developing countries by the CGIAR and its partners. Participation is by invitation only.

The purpose of the meeting is to advance science on climate adaptation and mitigation for agriculture and food security in developing countries by the CGIAR and its partners.  The meeting focuses on the scope of research defined by the CGIAR Consortium Research Program 7 – Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security. Our specific objectives will be to (1) understand ongoing research as a foundation for future collaboration and advances, and (2) explore research areas that show the highest promise for scientific breakthroughs. The meeting will have two tracks: mitigation and adaptation.  We will have about 4 sessions with panels of presenters in each, as well as an opening and closing plenary session. The final plenary will focus on synergies between mitigation and adaption. 

Participation is by invitation only.