CCAFS Workshop on Improving Management of Climate Impacts on Food Security: Towards a Strategic Agenda
This workshop has been organized to both introduce CCAFS, its interests and potential contributions related to food security management in the face of climate fluctuations, and the process CCAFS envision for shaping the research agenda in this area. As well as initiate a collaborative process of identifying priority issues, gaps (e.g., knowledge, methods, tools, evidence) and opportunities, where CCAFS research might make a valued contribution. The workshop is conducted within CCAFS Theme 2: Adaptation through Managing Climate Risk.
CCAFS brings together researchers in fields including agricultural science, development research and climate science, to address the threats posed by a variable and changing climate to achieving food security, enhancing livelihoods and improving environmental management. This workshop will among other things provide an overview of CCAFS, and summarize the collaborative planning process envisioned for developing a research agenda for improving food security management within the context of climate fluctuations.
Participants will also get a chance to identify priority issues, gaps (e.g. knowledge, methods, tools, information products, evidence, coordination), and opportunities related to climate variability and food security management. The workshop will also work with group sessions. Some of the planned outputs are: identify priority gaps and potential research directions to address those gaps, intended users and beneficiaries as well as descriptive suggestions on how CCAFS might best partner with relevant stakeholders throughout the process.
The workshop will take place at the Safari Park Hotel in Nairobi, Kenya; immediately following the Food Security Information Network (FSIN) Consultative Conference. CCAFS Theme Leader James Hansen will present his research from Theme 2: Adaptation through Managing Climate Risk at the workshop.
If you plan to attend this CCAFS event, please send a message to CCAFS_Theme2 [at] iri [dot] columbia [dot] edu (CCAFS Theme 2), confirming your attendance and participation. CCAFS looks forward to your participation in what we expect to be a thought-provoking and dynamic workshop and consultation.