
Workshop on Transformative Technologies in Agriculture: Notes to participants

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The challenges facing the global food system to supply sufficient safe and nutritious food for all are considerable. To achieve this goal while also adapting to climate change and trying to reduce the environmental pressures coming from the food system will require a transformation of the food system. Following the findings from a range of high-level analyses, it is recognized that this transformation will need to be systematic and include changes across production practices, diets, and the way the food system produces and manages waste1-5.

Technologies are an important input into the transformation process. While by themselves technologies are not transformative, they can when combined with the appropriate enabling environment lead to dramatic and radical changes that could ease some of the obstacles to achieving different Sustainable Development Goals. They are important to help build resilience and facilitate the adaptation of sustainable pathways.

To this end, an Interactive Thematic Session was held at the 5th Global Conference on Climate-Smart Agriculture organized by CCAFS (CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture, and Food Security) in Bali, Indonesia from 8-10 October 2019. Over two days we engaged with almost 100 participants in considering the role of technologies to transform the food system to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.


Mason-D'Croz D, Herrero M, Peou R, Thornton P. 2019. Workshop on Transformative Technologies in Agriculture: Notes to participants. CCAFS Report. Wageningen, the Netherlands: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).


  • Mason-D'Croz, Daniel
  • Herrero, Mario T.
  • Peou, Rathana
  • Thornton, Philip K.