
The Standard Assessment of Agricultural Mitigation Potential and Livelihoods (SAMPLES) website is a global research program that supports tropical countries to measure greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture and identify mitigation options compatible with food security. It addresses the dearth of reliable information about greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture in tropical countries. SAMPLES scientists work with developing countries to improve data on agricultural greenhouse gas emissions and mitigation potentials.

With better information, governments, non-governmental organizations, and farmers can:

  1. Identify high-production, low-emissions development trajectories in the agricultural sector.
  2. Participate in the emerging green economy and access climate finance
  3. Strengthen tropical countries’ negotiating positions in global climate discussions

The SAMPLES website has many resources for researchers, including

Link to the SAMPLES website

The CGIAR Research Program Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) coordinates SAMPLES in collaboration with CGIAR centers and scientists, and global and regional partners.