
Inclusive and climate-smart business models in Ethiopian and Kenyan dairy value chains | Global Challenges Programme project

Woman milking a cow
Raymond Jumah (FIPS)
Raymond Jumah (FIPS)

Project description

The research is connected to the CCAFS project “Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions” (NAMA) for Dairy Development in Kenya. NAMA supports stakeholders in Kenya to design/pilot activities to reduce GHG emissions from dairy production. Despite the many initiatives in the dairy sector, scaling up of good practices is lagging behind. This research aims to describe business models of chain actors and supporters to identify opportunities for scaling up good climate smart practices. Six dairy value chain case studies will be purposely selected, three in Kenya and three in Ethiopia, with varying degrees of market-orientation. Three PhD students will be lead investigator, each in two selected chains. Relevant chain stakeholders (actors, supporters, influencers) will be actively involved in the design, data collection and sharing of research output, particularly those with influence to scale up.


  • Development criteria for selection of 6 dairy value chains and research strategy
  • Alignment and confirmation of sites, approach, implementation, quality standards, and stakeholders meetings in Nairobi and Addis Ababa
  • Implementation and supervision: 6 value chains, 3 PhD researchers, 3 MSc researchers
  • Documentation of business models, CSA practices and scaling up strategies  
  • Scientific and popular publications
  • M&E at critical points (start, mid-term, end)

Expected outcomes

  • Increased climate smart productivity and dairy value chain processes in the Ethiopian and Kenyan dairy sectors
  • Good functioning dairy value chains with fair share for all actors and good relationships among all stakeholders leading to sound GNP
  • Improved situation considers inclusiveness for all stakeholders involved 

Gender and youth

Men and women have different roles and needs in the dairy sector. Gender inequality is a missed business opportunity and has high economic costs. Women often play important, but invisible, roles in value chains. From an equity and business perspective, it makes sense to look into different responsibilities and roles of men and women and to use a gender lens while identifying and addressing bottlenecks for value chain development. In our research we want to address those differences and therefore describe and adopt business models that will contribute to gender equality in the dairy sector. The research approach will be aligned with CCAFS gender and social inclusion strategy which aims to (a) strengthen gender-equitable control of productive assets and resources and (b) increase women’s participation in decision-making. Research will build upon the action research undertaken as part of the dairy NAMA development project. Within this project, biogas companies and dairy processor implemented targeted action research to identify specific gender dynamics relevance to their business. Each company gained knowledge on what gender issues exist within their company or business, and specifically how to effectively take measures to address gender issues and increase opportunities for women and youth. Sex- and gender disaggregated data will be collected to get insights in gender differences. Results will be analysed, to ensure that recommendations for promoting gender equality are made. 


More information

For more information, please contact the project leaders:

Funding for this project is provided by:

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