The impact of climate information services in Senegal

Seasonal rainfall forecasts can help farmers adapt to climate change and improve their
resilience to climate shocks. The CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change,
Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) collaborated with the Senegalese National
Meteorological Agency (ANACIM) to develop climate information (CI) services that are
relevant to farmers on a broad scale. Farmers have been involved in every step of the
process, helping meteorologists and other specialists package and communicate climate
information. This study finds that as of August 2015, seasonal forecasts are transmitted
nationwide through 82 rural community radio stations and SMS, potentially reaching 7.4 million rural people across Senegal. Climate information in Senegal is now considered an agricultural input just like seeds, fertilizers and equipment,
which are at the basis of production. French version:…
CCAFS. 2015. The impact of Climate Information Services in Senegal. CCAFS Outcome Case No. 3. Copenhagen, Denmark: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).