
Read the report back on the CCAFS blog: To meet climate goals, mainstream climate change mitigation in agricultural finance

Watch the video recording on the CCAFS youtube channel.

Developing countries urgently require finance to meet climate change mitigation commitments in the agriculture sector. Speakers described emerging financial instruments that have the potential to mainstream climate change mitigation in agriculture and identified needs for evidence and action to support them.  
This event was hosted by the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), the Climate Policy Initiative, and the Climate-Smart Lending Platform and in collaboration with the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT).



Welcome and context


Part 1. Opportunities for financing climate change mitigation in the agriculture sector: Current and forthcoming


Climate finance context, agricultural investments, and innovative financing instruments

Angela Falconer

Associate Director, Climate Policy Initiative 


Making climate finance work for low-emissions livestock development in Nicaragua

Gabriela Weber de Morais

Environmental and Social Compliance Associate, Finance in Motion


Climate-Smart Lending Platform and F3 Life: Climate-smart credit, environmental interest rates and eco-credit systems

Mark Ellis-Jones

CEO, F3 Life


Rwanda's Green Fund (FONERWA): an engine for 50 years of green growth

Alex Mulisa

Coordinator, Rwanda’s Green Fund (FONERWA)


Finance and lessons learned at the NAMA Facility

Ash Sharma

Senior Adviser to the NAMA Facility

12:16Moderated Q&A with the audience

Lini Wollenberg

CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS)

Part 2. The way forward

12:25Panel: What needs to happen now to support climate-contingent finance for mitigation co-benefits in agriculture

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Teague

Environmental Performance Manager, Root Capital

Juan Chang

Senior Forest and Land Use Specialist, Green Climate Fund 


Facilitation and questions from the audience to speakers and panelists

Fraser Brown

Climate-Smart Lending Platform 

Lini Wollenberg


12:56Conclusion, next steps

Angela Falconer

Climate Policy Initiative 




This event was part of  Agriculture advantage: the case for climate action in agriculture, an initiative and collaboration effort between different organizations with the mission to transform agricultural development in the face of climate change. Click here to see the series of events at COP23.

View the full list of CCAFS events at COP23 in Bonn.