
Nicole Alioli

Adénikè Nicole Alioli has 8 years of experience in Bilingual Executive Assistance and Translation. Before joining CCAFS WA, she worked as an Administrative and Finance Assistant at GIZ in the Program PASSIP (Programme d’Appui au Sous-Secteur de L’Irrigation de Proximité) in Mali-Bamako.

She holds a Higher Diploma In Bilingual Executive Assistance obtained at the Ghana Institute of Bilingual Studies and she also hold a Degree of Bachelor of Arts in Translation obtained at the University Of Ghana (School of Translators). She has worked with some international institutions such as FAO (Direction Port de pêche) in Ghana and Benin, Marie Stopes in Ghana-Accra, Terre Des Hommes in Benin and GIZ (Coopération Allemande) in Mali.