
Transforming innovation systems to deliver impacts at scale

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In the next few years, public agricultural research for development needs to be transformed, if it is to support meeting the food system-related SDGs. 

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Over US$30 billion a year is spent on agricultural research and development, but much of it has limited societal impact. “Pilots never fail, but pilots never scale.” Research needs to be embedded in innovation systems that can deliver impacts at scale. How to do this? This session explores ways to revitalize national and international research, balance the new with the old and proven, ensure that new and appropriate skills and partnerships are in place, invigorate rural agricultural livelihoods where feasible and provide safety nets where not, and capitalize on new funding streams. The session will be made up of short live and recorded interviews from innovators in their fields, with an interactive audience session for Q&As and ideas for personal and organisational action over the next one and five years.

See full program and other sessions.


Philip ThorntonFlagship Leader and Principal Scientist CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) 


Rachel Lambert, Senior Livelihoods Adviser, UK Department for International Development (DFID)


Charles Spillane, Professor and Director of Ryan Institute, National University of Ireland Galway (NUI Galway)


Mario Herrero, Chief Research Scientist of Agriculture and Food, The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)


Marieke Veeger, Scenarios Coordinator for Latin America, University for International Cooperation (UCI) and CCAFS



Where to watch the event

The around-the-world virtual relay event will be live streamed right here on the CCAFS website. You can also watch on our Facebook page, our LinkedIn page, and on our YouTube channel. The livestream will also be accessible through the Whova companion app.



The Transforming Food Systems Under a Changing Climate initiative brings together over 100 partners. See the full list of partners.


Hosted from: Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Local time: 13:00 – 13:45 BST

The event will be livestreamed on our website, watch here.



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