This research area engages major stakeholders, policy processes and donors that support climate services and advance ex-ante analysis and synthesis of evidence of the development impacts of investment options. Economic analyses and evidence support national efforts to integrate climate services into policy and access adaptation funds. Activities guide integration of climate services into national policies and funding priorities, and shape how major programs and donors invest in climate services and provide opportunity to expand the impact of this Flagship’s climate services research and innovations.
Expected research outputs include:
- synthesised ex post evidence of impacts of climate services on agricultural livelihoods and food security;
- improved methods for ex-ante evaluation of climate services investments;
- strategy guidance to identify bottlenecks and target investments across the chain of climate services;
- cost-benefit analyses of alternative climate services investments at national to regional scales, and of open vs. restrictive data policies;
- strengthened capacity to integrate climate services within national adaptation policy and access climate finance.