Warming up for the UN Food System Summit

On June 17, 2021, the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), life science company Bayer and Columbia Climate School organized an online Food Systems Summit Dialogue (FSSD) event with stakeholders from academia, the private sector, and development organizations.
With over 100 eager participants, the aim of this event was to share perspectives, understand positions and elevate proposals that have the potential to transform food systems under changing climate.
Sean de Cleene (Chair, Innovation Lever for Change, UN Food Systems Summit) and Anne Mwaniki (Project Manager, Bayer Crop Science) met over virtual coffee to chat about their takeaways from the dialogue, and how we can take things forward.
This event marked the final dialogue of the Bayer and CCAFS partnership leading up to COP26. The hope is that these dialogues have served as a warm-up for the crucial conversations that need to happen in Glasgow in November.